Volunteer Opportunities

Join us in helping women and girls in our community by volunteering for the Women’s Foundation of Genesee Valley.

Scroll down to complete sign-up form.

Grant Making Committees

Women’s Grantmaking Committee: Join a diverse group of women who want to enact change for women and girls in our community. Learn about the successful initiatives in our community that align with our mission, review grant proposals, and award funds to results-oriented programs that make a difference in the lives of women and girls.

Girls’ Grantmaking Committee: Board members and community volunteers mentor a group of about 30 teenage girls from various high schools in the region. Girls review grant proposals and determine where the funds will have the greatest impact. Students learn about community issues and philanthropy, how to build group consensus and collaborate, as well as have the chance to present at the annual grant awards luncheon.


  • A Purse for Change: Our biggest fundraising event of the year–volunteer for this fun night of friendship and shopping, featuring 150+ designer handbags, food, drink, luxury and raffle packages.

  • Immersive Grant Writing Program: A grant writing and mentoring program that helps level the playing field for organizations led by women of color. Funded by ESL Federal Credit Union, in collaboration with Grants 4 Good, the Women’s Foundation of Genesee Valley will be accepting applications for this course on April 30, 2024. This will be Rochester's first grant writing course centered around the history of Black philanthropy. We will also be providing financial support to organizations enrolled in the course. To remove all barriers, WFGV is offering this program at zero cost to attendees.

serve on a cOMMITTEE of the board of directors as a community member

The Finance, Governance, and Investment Committees of the Board of Directors welcome community member participation. Complete a volunteer interest form or contact the Women’s Foundation directly 585-242-0940.


We’re happy to provide more information on the needs of women and girls in our community to your group. Ask us to provide a speaker for a program at your social club, professional organization, or group meeting. We can present Research on how women and their families fare economically in our seven-county region, and what can help families to achieve economic self-sufficiency.